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Let’s Be Revolutionary Thinkers Like Frank Lloyd Wright!

I recently met with a client who had suffered a stroke.  In order to understand him better and develop a treatment plan that would be meaningful for him, I asked him if he had a mentor that had guided him in his business ventures.  He told me Frank Lloyd Wright.  This week, I have spent a lot of time researching this iconic figure to come up with a treatment program that would be motivating and meaningful.  What I learned about Frank Lloyd Wright will stay with me forever.  What a risk taker!  What a non-conformist!  He was such a revolutionary thinker in fact, that Ayn Rand wrote the Fountainhead (my favourite book of all time), basing the main character (Howard Roark) on Frank Lloyd Wright’s non-conformity and individuality.  I absolutely love my work!  Developing a treatment plan to help my client led me to learn about a person who has re-ignited that flame in me.  You know the one – it is the flame that inspires you to take risks and fail, because one day, the risk will pan out.

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